Saint George was founded in 1877 with worship services being held since 1884.

St. George invites all to attend our Beach Eucharists in the Fall and Spring. Procession led by Christie Strickland & J.T.

Our candlelight service begins in the dark as we await the sunrise over Fort George Inlet.

Saint George was founded in 1877 with worship services being held since 1884.
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Saint George Episcopal Church online. Visitors driving to St. George Episcopal Church will find an unspoiled place of quiet
beauty set in a sea of tropical greenery where peacocks roam the grounds and visitors are always welcome.
Founded in 1877, St. George is one of the historic river mission churches founded by the second bishop of Florida, John Freeman Young.
For Pastoral Care Emergencies
Please call...
Father Ray at (904) 626-5556, Deacon Irene at (904) 327-0044 or the church office at (904) 251-9272.
Please let us know of any hospitalizations, medical procedures, or illnesses for which we may offer prayers and pastoral care.
Sunday Worship Hours
9:30 a.m.

This Sunday at Saint George
October 10th, The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist

The Red Doors
When you enter the sanctuary at St. George to worship or pray, you will pass through our bright red doors. Painting church doors red is a widespread tradition in Episcopal churches. The red doors of an Episcopal church have traditionally led the way to holy ground where anyone who enters is safe from both physical and spiritual harm.
We proclaim with our red doors that our church is a haven for emotional and spiritual healing, and is a place of refuge and safety, forgiveness and reconciliation -- in other words, red doors invite the passers-by into a space filled with the Holy Spirit.
The color red also evokes the blood of Jesus Christ, which protects the wayfaring soul from spiritual harm.
Jesus Christ is our refuge. The red doors at St. George remind us that our parish community too must be a refuge for all those who enter through them. In this holy place, there will be no outcasts. Our doors are open to all!
God's Peace,
Father Ray+
Caregivers Support Group
2nd Monday of each month
1:00 pm
Are you taking care of a loved one-a spouse, an aging parent. Going it alone can be overwhelming, isolating and exhausting. Please join us to talk, learn or just listen to others going through similar journeys.
You're not alone.
​​Circle of Sisters
4th Monday of each month
1:00 pm
This group comes together once a month to share, learn and experience the wonder of God’s love.
This month we will start a new journey of giving to others as we gain more insight into our
own need of mercy and faith. Please join us!
If you have questions, please call Elizabeth @ 904-535-6838
Vestry Meeting
October 24th at 11:00 a.m.
Meeting in Dyar Office